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What to do if you can't install Clockface on Fitbit

In case of installation failure

the following operations are used to deal with it.

  • Clear Fitbit app cash and  restart Fitbit app
  • Rebooting phone and watch
  • Bluetooth restart
  • Clockface selection on phones and watches
  • Remove and reinstall the clockface on phone

I picked up posts to the community that would be helpful.

1) Quick Version

  • Clearing the Fitbit app cache 
    On Android, clearing the Fitbit app cache also helped to fix the problem .
  • reselect Clockface
    A quick solution that sometimes works is to use the Clocks app on your watch to select a different clockface, and then reselect the one you want.

2) Standard version

  • Make sure mobile app and Firmware version are up-to-date.
  • Restart your Fitbit device
  • Switch to another clock than the one you want to switch to using the clocks app. Once syncs complete, it should get past the switching state.
  • Restart the Fitbit mobile app: Force close Fitbit app & relaunch the app.
  • Restart Bluetooth
  • Trigger a regular sync.

3) Longer version

  • Force-close the Fitbit app on your phone, and leave it closed.
  • Start the Clocks app on your watch, and switch to the clockface you're trying to install.
  • Restart the Fitbit app on your phone, and make sure it syncs with your watch.
  • Check the Clock Faces section of the Fitbit app and ensure that the new clockface installs correctly.

4) Longest version

If you still can't get it going, you'll need to get rid of the errant clockface so a fresh try can be made. Here's how:

  • Force-close the Fitbit app on your phone, then restart it. 
  • Alternatively, shut down and restart your phone and watch, then restart them.
  • If the Clocks section of the Fitbit app offers to attempt to continue the installation, select 'later'.
    • If selecting 'later' doesn't stop the installation, you'll need to try shutting things down again. 
    • You can't proceed until the installation progress bar has stopped.
  • Instead of attempting to reinstall the clockface you're having trouble with,  install a simpler clockface (such as one of those developed by Fitbit).
  • Use the Fitbit app to remove the clockface that you couldn't install.
  • Try to install that clockface again.
  • It's possible that the installation will fail a second time. If so, try again.

5)  Community or Support

  • If that doesn't work, the post will either post to the community or contact support.



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Firefox拡張機能 SakuraCheckerPlus 0.50

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